
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Backyard Visitors

Mr and Mrs Blue Heron came to visit the back forty about a month back.  Little Heron was also here, a'visitin'.

Daddy Heron decided to look up from eating to check out the neighbors.  Seems some crazy lady, wearing pink capris and a wife beater was trying to take pictures of his family.

He said to Mrs. Heron, "Look at that redneck, taking pictures of us.  Least she could do is put some decent clothes on.  We work so hard on our plumage.  Do we have to put up with this?"  He and Little Heron went back to snacking on bugs.  They tried hard to ignore the click of the camera.

Finally, Mother Heron had enough!  She shouts at the oddly clad photographer, "Look, Lady!  We are just trying to eat in peace.  How do you think it feels to have crazy paparazzi hanging around all day?  Give us a break!"

She couldn't let it go at that.  As the photographer walked away, she shouted, "By the way, wife beaters went out of style in the 80's.  Sheesh!"

Guess she told me.........

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Hero Brings Home His Plunder

Hunky Hubbie has been very busy this fall.  he's been working very hard on the ranch and at the home place.  He does enjoy the autumn season.  He and Dear Son went out looking for meat to put in our freezer.  Below is the result of such efforts!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

State Kidnapped my Neice

To make a long story short, the State of Utah has denied my nephew's parental rights of his daughter because the mother was married to another man when she got pregnant by my nephew. They gave parental rights to her husband, saying that the nuclear family overrides DNA proof of paternity. this is an antiquated law that needs to be changed.

Please pray for my disabled Navy Veteran nephew (he was injured while serving on an aircraft carrier in the Gulf during Desert Storm) and for his beautiful daughter, Cadence. He hasn't seen her for 6 months.

If you would like to help, see this link. We are doing a birthday card drive (Cadence will be two on Halloween) If you decide you want to send a card, please include a note that says that you are a friend of mine and that you know how much her Aunt Sherone loves her.

We don't want her to grow up not knowing about a whole family that adores her.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Snow Storm in South Dakota

This morning I read an article about the recent snow storm in South Dakota.  This storm has been devastating for the ranchers in that area.  Authorities are estimating that there has been a 5% loss of cattle in the State.  Looking at this event from the eyes of a small rancher, we would be out of business with a 5% loss of our stock.  Some of these folks will lose everything they own and will have to liquidate family lands and homes to recoup what they owe their creditors.

To read more about this sad state of affairs, visit South Dakota Storm

As for me and my house, we will send up prayers for these people and for the cattle they try to care for.